Do Pelicans Store Food In Their Beaks

Animals Howstuffworks


Pelicans: Unraveling the Myth of Food Storage

Dispelling the Misconception

Contrary to the common perception, pelicans do not store food in their gular pouches for elongated periods. This belief is a deeply ingrained myth that has been perpetuated for centuries, obscuring the true nature of pelicans' feeding behavior.

The True Purpose of Gular Pouches

The gular pouch, an expandable sack beneath a pelican's beak, serves a crucial role in capturing prey. Pelicans use their large bills to scoop up water, entrapping fish within their pouched throats. The water is then expelled, leaving behind the ingested fish, which is swallowed whole.

Debunking the Myth

The misconception that pelicans store food in their pouches arose from observations of these birds carrying large amounts of fish in their bills. However, this behavior is not a storage mechanism but rather a temporary holding method while the pelican locates a suitable feeding site.

The gular pouch is not designed to store food for extended periods. It is a flexible structure that facilitates the capture of prey, not its preservation. Pelicans consume their catch promptly after capturing it, ensuring a fresh and nutritious meal.


The myth of pelicans storing food in their gular pouches is a captivating but inaccurate notion. In reality, these birds use their pouches solely for capturing fish, dispelling the long-standing misconception that they serve as food storage compartments.

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