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Scientists Discover New Type of Exoplanet

Breakthrough in Exoplanet Research

Scientists have identified a new type of exoplanet that challenges existing theories about planet formation.

The exoplanet, designated as HD 106906 b, is located 330 light years away in the constellation Crux. It is a hot Jupiter-type planet, meaning it is a gas giant with a mass similar to Jupiter's. However, unlike most hot Jupiters, which orbit close to their host stars, HD 106906 b orbits at a distance of 650 million kilometers from its star, a distance comparable to that of the Earth from the Sun.

This unusual distance has puzzled scientists, as it does not fit with current theories of planet formation. According to these theories, hot Jupiters are formed close to their stars and then migrate outward over time. However, the distance of HD 106906 b from its star suggests that it formed far from its host star and has remained in its current orbit.

This discovery has implications for our understanding of planet formation and the diversity of exoplanets in our galaxy. It suggests that there are still many unknown processes at play in the formation of planetary systems, and that there may be a wider range of exoplanet types than previously thought.

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